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DIBCOIN is a security token designed for facilitating acquisitions > Press > blockchain > Sunshine Capital, Inc. Appoints Honson Luma as Vice President to Assist In Its Plan to Enter the Cryptocurrency Market

Sunshine Capital, Inc. Appoints Honson Luma as Vice President to Assist In Its Plan to Enter the Cryptocurrency Market

NEWS PROVIDED BY Sunshine Capital, Inc. Aug 10, 2016, 03:13 ET

HOLLYWOOD, Fla., Aug. 10, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Sunshine Capital, Inc. (Pink Sheets: SCNP) today announces that it has appointed Honson Luma as Vice President of Sunshine Capital, Inc. and DIB Funding, Inc. to assist both companies’ entry in the cryptocurrency market.

Originally from Miami, Florida but currently residing in Baltimore, Maryland, Honson Luma received a B.A. in Political Science/Public Administration from Florida Memorial University, and a Master’s in Public Administration from Sojourner-Douglass College. He is currently pursuing his Doctorate Degree in Community College Education Leadership at Morgan State University (ABD). Mr. Luma is a seasoned futures and cryptocurrencies trader and uses his company, Space Age Investment Group/Consultant, LLC (SAIG) for its members to achieve financial independence. Mr. Luma brings an extensive knowledge of the cryptocurrency market – not only as a trader but as a creator and programmer of cryptocurrencies to his new role at Sunshine Capital.

“I believe in creating shareholder value and that is exactly what I plan on doing for these two companies,” stated the newly appointed Vice President of Sunshine Capital, Inc. and DIB Funding Inc. “I intend to use all my expertise in the creating of cryptocurrencies to dramatically change how mergers and acquisitions are executed, with no debt or dilution to the Sunshine Capital shareholders, by making every acquisition the company executes a net positive to the company’s balance sheet.”

“What we are about to do in the cryptocurrency market is unique and will make the two associated companies leaders in the cryptocurrency market very quickly,” he added.

Honson Luma, 2016

“We are building a solid management team,” stated Daniel J. Duffy, speaking on behalf of the Board of Advisors. “Since I am unable to run the companies myself, I have sought the necessary management skills for our executives to achieve the lofty goals which I have for the companies. I feel that cryptocurrencies have the same growth potential that many of the dot-com companies experienced. The difference is that with our management team, we will avoid the implosion that many of those companies experience. Mr. Luma is one of the best cryptocurrency creators in the business and can make us leaders in the cryptocurrency market. I am used to achieving large increases in companies’ size and value in which I had an interest in the past and I believe Sunshine will be the best opportunity yet.”

“It’s an honor to have Mr. Luma on this management team,” stated James R. J. Scheltema, President and CEO of Sunshine Capital Inc. “What Mr. Luma is going to help execute in the cryptocurrency market is going to shock a lot of people and I look forward to working with him.”

MEDIA Contact: 
James R. J. Scheltema 
Sunshine Capital, Inc.
7777 Davie Road Extension Suite 302B
Hollywood, FL 33024

Forward-Looking Statements:
The private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking information made on the company’s behalf. All statements, other than statements of historical facts which address the company’s expectations of sources of capital or which express the company’s expectation for the future with respect to financial performance or operating strategies, can be identified as forward-looking statements. Such statements made by the company are based on knowledge of the environment in which it operates, but because of the factors previously listed, as well as other factors beyond control of the company, actual results may differ materially from the expectations expressed in forward-looking statements.

SOURCE Sunshine Capital, Inc.

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